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2017 Jiangshan sales meeting held on time!

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2017-01-16   點(diǎn)擊率:2028

In January 16, 2017, sunny, sunny. Jiangshan building materials in 2016 annual summary of the meeting in 9:30 in the company conference room on time, the company's important members attended the meeting.
The annual meeting of the general manager is hung steel presided over he said that in 2016 the peace ended, our country people in their respective positions on the work, don't forget the heart, stick to their posts, down-to-earth, cohesion development, and achieved remarkable results, has been stable in 2017. Then summed up the overall development of 16 years, and the achievements made to you, certainly in the most real economy for 16 years are unsatisfactory, in this period, the company is upstream, anti refundable, completed the annual sales target in advance. Subsequently, the general manager is hung on the company in 2017 the main sales target, sales direction and the development of the industry in the field of general planning.
Then the finance department, technical department, purchasing department / safety management department, after-sales service department, production department, quality inspection department, administrative personnel and other departments in chance of the summary statement.
Finally, the general manager of the company is to thank all the staff has been the company's hard work and efforts, the business is still on the outside of the sales and service personnel to express cordial greetings, and work for the new year blessings.
Looking back on 2016, we work together, hard work, common harvest;
In 2017, we have the same goal, A fighting spirit soars aloft. full of confidence;
The Jiangshan tomorrow is better!

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